A blue and yellow circle with a cross inside of it
A blue and yellow circle with a cross inside of it

Pastor's Column for September 29, 2024

James Schmitz • September 27, 2024
A blue and yellow logo for pastor's column

Dear Parishioners,

       This Sunday, September 29th, is the “Michaelmas Day”. You may have never heard that before but it is celebrated on this date every year and commemorates the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, a statue of whom was recently moved from the chapel area to the right side of our sanctuary, where the tabernacle was previously. Here’s some information about this annual feast:

       Michaelmas has its roots in Christian tradition, particularly in the Western Church, where it became one of the four quarter days in the legal calendar of England, Ireland, and Wales. These were significant days for settling debts, hiring servants, and other legal and economic transactions. In Britain, Michaelmas was one of the major festivals of the year. It marked the end of the harvesting season and the beginning of the new farming year. 

A traditional food for Michaelmas is a goose, known as a "stubble-goose" because it was fed on the remains of the harvested fields. The saying "If you eat goose on Michaelmas Day, you will never want money all the year round" is associated with this tradition. Who will be eating goose today? Perhaps we should have had goose in place of our coffee & donuts today!

In some places, fairs and festivals are held. There might be special church services, particularly in places where Saint Michael is a patron saint.

St. Michael is often depicted as a warrior angel, defeating Satan in the form of a dragon. This imagery symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, making Michaelmas a day not just of celebration but also of spiritual significance. You can clearly see how Michael is holding the pointy end of his spear on the neck of Satan in our statue.

So this is another invitation to light a candle (or several if you choose) in front of our statue of St. Michael in the sanctuary. We have many candles in the stand there and they are relatively inexpensive so please feel free to light candles there often and as many as you like as there is no charge to do so. We’ll bless this statue at the end of all the Masses this weekend as I don’t believe it was blessed when first put up in the church.

There is the famous prayer to St. Michael on the back cover of the song book but it can’t be seen as that cover is placed in the sleeve of the song book holder so I’ll include the prayer here & then invite everyone to say it together after I have blessed the statue today. You may also want to cut this prayer out of the bulletin & keep it in your wallet or purse or place it on your refrigerator at home. I say this prayer myself at the beginning of each day. This prayer was composed by Pope Leo XIII in the late 19th century and has since become one of the most popular prayers invoking the protection of St. Michael against evil.


St. Michael the Archangel,  

defend us in battle.  

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;  

and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,  

by the Divine Power of God,  

cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits  

who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


 Fr. James P. Schmitz

By James Schmitz March 7, 2025
Dear Parishioners, By the time you read this, I will have already enjoyed one of our Fish Fry’s. I always look forward to them, not only for the great food, but for the opportunity to see many of you outside of worship. But I will admit that I especially look forward to our lobster tail dinners, the first of which will be this upcoming Friday, and the second one will be after I return. They are always delicious dinners. My deep thanks again to all of our faithful parishioners who work at these Fish Fry’s and to the 8th grade students who will also be there to serve. I’m sorry that we didn’t have enough of the black and orange books for everyone last weekend, at least at the 11am Mass, but we have made sure they will be available for you to take home with you after Mass today if you didn’t get one. They have short meditations which I trust you will find helpful during this time of lent, a little “retreat” that the Church provides us with every year. On February 26th, I celebrated a funeral Mass for Rita Gorencic, a longtime parishioner who had 3 children (one is now deceased) whom she sent to our school here at St. Leo’s. Rita was married for 63 out of the 94 years that she lived. She was a person of faith who prayed the rosary, attended Stations of the Cross and other religious events at our parish. She also collected money for the American Cancer Society & to the American Heart Association. May God reward her for her life of faith and good works. I will remind you of this at the end of Mass today but also wanted to mention here as well that we have our annual Have a Heart, Lend a Hand program during Lent, which helps 12 area organizations. Most of you are family with this annual opportunity here at St. Leo’s but for those who are not: you will find baskets of hearts at the church entrances. We invite you to take one or two home with you and to purchase the item(s) requested. Then you can bring them to the church or to the rectory office by April 10th, or you can bring them to the school cafeteria (the door marked “School Side Entrance”) from 2-4pm on Saturday, April 12th. More details can be found in our parish bulletin & on our parish website. We welcome Westen Peretto into our faith as he is baptized this Sunday after the 11am Mass. May he know the love of Christ who suffered, died and rose again so that we can all share in a new life. Just a reminder for our Italy pilgrims that we will gather in the Parish Center this Sunday, March 9th at 6:30pm just to see the others who will be joining us on our trip next week. Can’t believe it’s finally here. This gathering is optional but feel free to come & enjoy a little snack and ask questions from other seasoned travelers. When I visited with Deacon Pat this past Monday, it was the first time he answered my usual question, “How are you today?” with a negative response: “Miserable.” Usually he at least says that he’s doing OK. Perhaps his long stay (going on 3 months now) is starting to weigh on him. A few days before when his wife Joan visited him, he was alert, his right eye had been opening, and he was in a good mood. But it’s typical for people in his situation to have good days and bad days, as many of you know who deal with family or friends that are confined to a nursing facility. I prayed Night Prayer with him and he could finish the Glory be and made the sign of the cross at all the right times, but there is so much that limits what he can do. Please keep your prayers going for him and for Joan who carries this burden with him every single day.
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Dear Parishioners,
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read bulletin here
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VisitationTuesday, December 10, 2024 from 9:30a.m. until 10:00a.m.St. Leo the Great Church — Back Vestibule4940 Broadview Cleveland, OH 44109Mass of Christian BurialTuesday, December 10, 2024 @ 10:00a.m.St. Leo the Great 4940 Broadview Rd. Cleveland, OH 44109IntermentAll Saints Cemetery view obituary here
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view bulletin here
A blue and yellow logo for pastor's column
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Dear Parishioners,
A blue and yellow logo for pastor's column
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Please welcome Fr. Lormeus, who will speak at all the Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach, which was founded to forge a stronger and more supportive link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns serving the poor in the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central and South America. Please be generous in your response to Fr. Lormeus’s appeal. Brochures will be provided if you wish to support this worthy Catholic ministry.
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