Dear Parishioners,
The first thing I want to share with you is my deep gratitude to two parishioners who (anonymously) donated the beautiful new signs that are now in place on our property. We were badly in need of them and it’s been on my to do list for a long time to have them replaced but it’s a big expense and a lot of work as each sign needs to be designed (kind of a pun there) and I honestly didn’t feel competent enough to do that. So longtime parishioners asked what I thought of the idea of having new signs put up and of course I was thrilled with the idea…especially when they said that they would be happy to design them (a talent of theirs) and even donate them (again, a very large expense). We discussed it as it was in progress but then they just appeared this week and I couldn’t be happier with them. The largest one is seen very clearly when you drive in the parking lot off of Broadview Rd. and is so much brighter & easier to read. It also includes our parish logo which is another big plus. It clearly directs the way to the church (of course the most obvious building) but also to the rectory, office, parish center, Marian shrine, and parish school (which also indicates that we offer Pre-school through 8th grade. It stands out with our parish colors as well and is just simply but nicely designed. There is also a sign by the Parish Center and soon (if not there already) by the Marian Shrine. There is a sign by the Rectory office and again soon (if not there already) by the West 25th entrance to the rectory parking lot. I speak on behalf of all our parishioners and visitors when I thank sincerely those who donated these marvelous signs and who did the great work of designing them. We are indebted to you!
OK, next up is just to let you know that you may hear our peal bells ringing before, during or after Mass this weekend as the Catholic Bishops of the United States are asking churches across the country to celebrate the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in Parish. I’m sure you recall the sad and tragic fire that destroyed part of this iconic symbol of our Catholic faith 5 years ago. Thanks to the hard work and generous support of so many throughout the world, it is finally re-opening on December 7th & 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Of course this medieval cathedral is named after “Our Lady” ( Notre Dame in French) and so it’s appropriately restored on this great feast. The First Mass & consecration of the new altar will take place on Sunday, December 8th and will draw some 170 bishops from around the world. Of course you’ll be able to watch this great celebration on TV or the internet. This celebration is dedicated to honoring those who saved and rebuilt the cathedral. I have not been there myself yet, but it certainly is on my bucket list! So if you hear our bells ringing this weekend, say a Hail Mary in thanksgiving for those who saved & rebuilt this world-wide symbol of our Catholic Faith and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Speaking of the feast of the Immaculate Conception, this may be a bit confusing but here it is: normally this feast is a holy day of obligation for us in the United States except when it falls on a Friday or Sunday (as it does this year with Sunday being December 8th). However, because Mary, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, is the patroness of our country, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has made this holiday one of obligation for us in the United States this year, even though it falls on a Sunday. So, long and short of it is that Mass will be at 8:30a this Monday, December 9th (it will be an all school Mass but all are welcome) and then again at 7p.
I also asked that you say a Hail Mary for Vincent & Elizabeth Rongone who lost a child through miscarriage. We celebrated a funeral Mass for their son, Charles Antonio last week.