Faith Formation is for children who do not attend St. Leo the Great Elementary School. Grades 1-8 meet 3 Sundays of the month before 11:00am Mass throughout the School Year in the Parish Center.
Saint Leo the Great Elementary School: classes from kindergarten to grade 8. The Catholic Faith is integrated into all aspects of the school curriculum. Cleveland residents may apply for vouchers through the Cleveland Scholarship & Tutoring Program.
is for children ages 3 and 4. Both full and part time sessions are available.
Sacramental Parent Preparation Sessions: conducted by Grade 2 teachers for First Reconciliation and First Communion. Confirmation Sessions for Grade 8 students, parents, and sponsors are coordinated by the Grade 8 teachers.
Pre-Cana Days or Engaged Encounter Weekend: conducted off-site either at the Jesuit Retreat House ( on State Road, or at other parishes or retreat centers in the Diocese. For dates, locations, and costs, contact
The Cleveland Diocese.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Primarily for adults who have not celebrated the sacrament of Baptism, also for adults who were Baptized in another Christian Denomination, and Catholics who have not been raised in the practice of the Faith. Parishioners are needed to serve as sponsors, catechists, hospitality ministers, and in other ways.
The Children’s Catechumenate: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is adapted for children aged 7 and older who are not baptized and whose parents consent to their desire to receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil after a series of group preparation sessions.