A blue and yellow circle with a cross inside of it
A blue and yellow circle with a cross inside of it




A logo that says arise together in christ

ARISE is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith. It’s simple and requires only your interest and presence. Please ask the Lord to open your heart so that you may hear his call to a deeper relationship with him and with others who share our faith. This Program is currently not active at St. Leo the Great Parish.

Arise Prayer

Gracious God and Father, we
enter into your presence realizing
you know us better than we know
ourselves.  You know the cares and
sufferings we carry in our hearts.

You call us to holiness and we
trust you to lead us together on
our journey to be a renewed
Church, for with you all things are

Create us anew in Jesus Christ
your Son.  Liberate us from all that
keeps us from you.  Heal us from
every form of sin and Violence.

Transform us to live your Word
more profoundly.  Awaken us to
the sacred; rebuild trust among us.
Enliven our parishes; reunite our

May your Holy Spirit empower us
to live as a community of love,
freed to share in your work of
recreating our world and restoring

We believe you are doing
something new, calling us to arise
together in Christ to celebrate the
fullness of life. Amen.

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