The parent(s) of a child(ren) to be baptized are asked to make an appointment with the Pastor to register for baptism. Parents have a right to ask for the baptism of their child(ren), however there must be a “well-founded hope” that the child(ren) to be baptized will be raised in the practice of the faith. This means, at minimum, that the child is taken to church each weekend, that they receive a religious education through attendance at a Catholic School or PSR (Parish School of Religion) program, and that prayers and the example of Christian living are present in the home. While baptism may not be denied to anyone, it can be deferred until the parents are more properly disposed to have their child be baptized.
Baptisms are scheduled on an individual basis and so the date and time will be determined when the parent(s) and priest meet to discuss the baptism. Normally baptisms are celebrated on Sunday, the Lord’s Day, either during or after one of the Sunday Masses (8am, 10am and 12 Noon).
Before choosing or asking someone to be a godparent, please read this important information first:
A sponsor certificate is required for all Catholic godparents. This can be obtained from the church where they are registered and currently practicing their faith. It is a testament from them and their parish priest that they are qualified to act in the role of a sponsor, who is chosen to be an example of the faith to the child they are sponsoring. A Christian Witness is a practicing Christian from another (approved) denomination who, while not a sponsor, is also requested by the family to have a spiritual influence on the child. A Christian Witness can be chosen only if a practicing Catholic is also chosen as the godparent. No sponsor certificate is required for a Christian Witness. Please see the requirements for (Catholic) Godparents and Christian Witnesses below.
If you have been asked to be a sponsor and need a sponsor certificate from St. Leo the Great Parish, please stop by the Rectory Office or call
Can. 873 – Only one male or one female sponsor or one of each sex is to be employed.
Can. 874 – §1. To be admitted to the role of a sponsor, a person must:
§2. A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community may not be admitted except as a witness to baptism and together with a Catholic sponsor.