Dear Parishioners,
I really have to do something about our Office Manager, Nina Capone. She’s the only one who makes me work on my vacation. Yes, I am writing this on November 22nd, the last day of vacation, because she (or rather the bulletin company) needs all bulletins for this weekend submitted by this particular date. But since this is the only thing that Nina ever asks of me (at least while I’m on vacation) I’ll have to let it go. Besides, every other day that she works in our rectory office, she brings organization, leadership, gentleness, helpfulness and creativity to our rectory staff and to all the people who come into the rectory office. She works with a great team too…Mary Lynn Haldi, Amy Mackey, Marie Phillips, Mary LaGodney, and others who work so well and with a cheerful and helpful spirit. I am truly grateful for them all, and I thought I’d use this opportunity after Thanksgiving to say what I should say more frequently so that I practice what I preach. Please be sure to thank them when they offer you some assistance.
I’ll make this announcement at weekend Masses but this is the last weekend for helping with our annual Adopt a Child for Christmas opportunity. As you know, Jeanne Sabol spearheads this wonderful holiday charity and we are very grateful for what she organizes for the sake of so many children who are the recipients of your generosity. We need gifts for about 150 children. So thank you to Jeanne and to all who help her with this annual event and thank all of you who make it possible because you think of others at this time of the year.
Speaking of this time of year, Happy New Year to all of you! Don’t think me crazy for being a month too early. I know it’s only December 1st, not January 1st, but this is the first Sunday (or Saturday) of Advent, which begins a new liturgical year. So out comes the purple vestments and the Advent Wreath, which of course marks the 4 weeks of this holy season of preparation for the celebration of the Nativity, of the birth of Christ. Very soon, we will be receiving our two new (or rather old) stained glass windows which match the other windows in the church which used to be enjoyed by the people of Blessed Sacrament church. I recently had a former parishioner of that church who was visiting us comment on how wonderful it was to see those windows being used in our church. It brought back many wonderful memories for her. The two new windows we will be receiving are especially meaning for our church. One will be of St. Cecilia, the patron of musicians. Ironically, I am typing this column on her feast day, November 22nd! So she came to mind when I was praying the Divine Office this morning. This stained glass window of her will be in a box like the others in the church with lights to illuminate it. It will be placed on the wall behind the organ and piano, a perfect spot for our liturgical musicians. The other window will be of the Nativity, which will be placed on the larger wall directly behind the choir. It will be flanked by two smaller windows which originally adorned the larger one of Jesus, Mary & Joseph. This is also very meaningful for us because the first Masses celebrated in this “new” church (built in 1969), were celebrated on the feast of Christmas. I don’t recall now who it was that was sharing this story with me, but a parishioner (please remind me if it was you) was to be married just a few days before Christmas. This “new” church was ready for Mass to be celebrated in it, but Father Lux, the founding pastor and the one who was responsible for building this church, would not allow any Mass to be celebrated in it until after Christmas! But I hope you will all benefit from these reminders of the holy family and of the saints, whose example we all hope to follow, especially as we approach the season of our Lord’s birth.
Fr. James P Schmitz