Dear Parishioners,
I hope you all were safe during the storm that hit this past Tuesday. I saw a picture of a tornado in Parma & I was caught in our school building when the winds were blowing so hard & it sounded like a tornado was near. We had a couple of very large branches come down on a tree that covered the drive that connects the two parking lots on the east & west side of the church where our back vestibule is. A wire came down with it but surprisingly our power never went out here. As I type this on Wednesday, I can hear them sawing the tree branches so they can remove the debris. We had several other smaller branches come down as well. Of course the tree that is dead & completely bare is still standing tall by the west entrance of the rectory parking lot. Murphy’s law. I know that the power was out for a lot of people and as of Wednesday morning is still out in many places in the Cleveland area. Again I hope everyone was safe.
On August 2nd I celebrated the funeral Mass for Margaret (Marge) Ballauer, a parishioner of great faith who would send me cards and notes of appreciation from time to time. She had such a pleasant demeanor & a gentle smile and she will be greatly missed. Her illness and death came rather suddenly and so we express our sympathy to her son Ed and daughter Wendy. I had the funeral for Marge’s husband Al two years ago almost to the day of Marge’s funeral Mass and they were married for 58 years. They were parishioners here at St. Leo’s since 1966 and were active members of the community. Marge also volunteered at the Parma Hunger Center and so served Christ for “whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers or sisters, you do for me.” May she know now the fullness of peace and receive her heavenly reward.
I also had a Memorial Mass on the same day for Dorothy Preuss who was also a member of our parish school for many years. She sent her two children to our parish school and worked in the school as a lunch mother. Dorothy was a member of our Senior’s group and enjoyed her visits with other seniors in the parish. She also had a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and prayed the rosary often, something you hear frequently about those who are elderly. We thank those who planned her Memorial Mass and as with all those who have died as faithful members of our parish, will continue to remember her in prayer, especially during the month of November which begins with the feast of All Saints and All Souls.
Thanks to all who worked to prepare for and clean up after our parish picnic, and of course to all who brought deserts and enjoyed a good meal and conversation with fellow parishioners. We had a cool gathering in the gym and it’s always great to see so many people. You can find some pictures of the event in this bulletin.
This week we will be celebrating the feast of the Assumption of Mary on Thursday, August 15th. As always, Mass will be at 8:30am and at 7pm. Please remember that this is a holy day of obligation. We need to take seriously the sinfulness of not attending Mass on such holidays as confession is required before taking Holy Communion if you purposefully or neglectfully miss this obligation. This of course is true for all serious sins which we tend to dismiss so easily these days. But I try to make myself available for confession as often as possible and always encourage you to make use of this sacrament which joyfully and easily releases us from the guilt of our sins. St. Thomas Aquinas said that “just as it would be foolish to give medicine to a dead person, it would not make sense to offer the healing power of the Eucharist to one who is spiritually dead and in mortal sin.” Wise words to take to heart.
Fr. James P. Schmitz